Monday, 17 October 2016

Eastriverdental : What are the effects of fluoride on your teeth?

Fluoride plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy oral in both the adults and children. According to the experts, if fluoride is applied directly on the teeth can prevent dental decay, because usually the decay occurs from the deficiency of fluoride. Every doctor in the emergency dentist newmarket suggests the patients to use toothpaste with sufficient fluoride. In some of the cases, it has seen that people also come with severe problems, which have appeared due extreme deficiency of fluoride. In those cases, it is better ask your dentist to prescribe you toothpaste suitable for your oral condition.

No matter what are the problems you have, every individual should use fluoride toothpaste. If you have the ability to understand that the present dental condition you have you should start using fluoride toothpaste immediately to protect your mouth from dental decay. Using fluoride toothpaste is not the only solution. In case of sensitivity, oral dullness etc. several times dentists suggest teeth whitening. This process provides sufficient fluoride contents to the teeth, which not only becomes whiter but also tougher. Depending on the seriousness of your oral condition, dentists sometimes prescribe fluoride gel or lotion for rubbing on the upper layer of the teeth. Usually doctors suggest not to eat, drink or smoke within 30 minutes of this treatment.

It is not necessary that you have to visit the dentist for oral fluoride treatment. It is possible to take the treatment at home. Depending on your condition, dentists will suggest necessary medicines and gels that you can use and they will give the direction of using. It decreases the tendency of teeth decay, teeth cracking, gum aching, yellowish teeth and other related problems.

For better oral & gum health, it is necessary to brush and floss regularly. Use mild mouthwashes available in the market and blister your mouth everyday to keep it safe and healthy.  

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